As the finest purveyor of meat, we have an obligation to our animals to treat them humanely throughout their lifecycle. For this reason, we require our farms to be third party audited by Validus Verification Services, a division of Where Food Comes From, Inc. Validus is an ISO9001:2008 certified company and conducts audits on-site. Our animals are never, ever given antibiotics or hormones. They are source and age verified and have proper access to veterinarians. Animals are vegetarian fed and have a balanced nutritious diet that our animal nutritionists customize and monitor. Most of our feed is grown on the farms where the animals are raised to increase their well-being, as well as the environment. Farms are located near our processing facilities for minimal transport stress. Additionally, all our harvesting and production facilities and transportation are third party audited for humane treatment. Together with our farmers and processing plants, we strive to have our animals in the most ethical environments possible.

A view from one of our farms
Food safety is of the upmost importance. For this reason, the processing facilities we work with are third party audited by trusted organizations.
Our pork processing facility is audited by the American Meat Institute (AMI) and Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program, a certification given from NSF. The plant follows all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations and operates with a fully implemented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety system. Critical Control Points (CCP) have been identified and are monitored for safety. Plant access is controlled, and lot coding is used for traceability control. Plant temperature monitoring systems are in place, and materials and surfaces are cleaned before and after use.
Our beef processing facility is additionally certified in good manufacturing practices by Silliker. This includes the implementation and monitorization of a HACCP system with CCPs. Among traceability initiatives, the plant maintains an effective temperature monitoring system. Materials and surfaces utilized in production activities are cleaned before and after use.

Cutting small samples to test at the lab

[email protected]
Mailing Address:
1 S. Platte Clay Way
Kearney, MO 64060
Physical Address:
300 Sam Barr Drive
Kearney, MO 64060
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